About Me

Kat is a certified yoga teacher, registered with Yoga Alliance and a Doctor of Pharmacy specializing in Trauma/Emergency Medicine. She has been committed to health and wellness her entire life. She is passionate about the healing and health benefits that yoga provides as well as learning to live a yogic life through self-reflection, contentment, and authenticity. She is a disciple of Edwin and Catarina Lacayo from the It's Yoga and Ashtanga traditions and a certified Level I Reiki Healer. She believes that every day is a chance to practice yoga on and off of our mats. Only then, can we begin the transformation into our happiest and truest self.


Kathryn (Kat) Samai, PharmD, BCPS, RYT

Email: kayamaneyoga@gmail.com

Phone: [ 608-709-YOGA (9642) ]

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Instagram @kat_kayamane

Facebook @kayamaneyoga1

Youtube Channel: Kayamane Yoga